The parametric racks would make it even faster and easier.
What did you accomplish?
We made a prototype alternative frame for Nimble using UPK. It still requires 3d-printed frames for the electronic housings, so in a way, all we did was replace the 14mm plastic T-frame clone with the real one. The benefit is that it’s a bit more rhobust/weather proof and can help make the assembly much faster - assuming the parts haven’t been printed in advance.
What needs do be done after this hackathon?
- Finish the freecad 3D model and assembly instructions.
- Make it look as good as Nimble.
UPK seems to be good for rapid prototyping but the parts are (relatively) expensive to be used permanently compared to ABS/PETG or alternatives like wood or sheet metal. So is this a viable solution, even though it looks cool?
Issue tickets etc.