Pad 13 - OTFN Visioning


What do you want to achieve and why?

  • Use the creative power of the collective
  • Create Ownership for OFTN

Action items

What needs to be done? List the Tasks!

  • Boarding the time Machine –→ Travel to 2033 –→ You see yourself in the OS Ecosystem with the OFTN.
  • How do you use and contribute to the OFTN in 2023?
  • ….. and how did we get there? Tell us about some Events and Actions on the way.

    People and their roles

    Who contributes to this unit? What’s his/her role?

Isa&OFTN TeamHost

Other pads


Simply write in short bullet point style what you’re doing, what your problems, ideas, solutions, workarounds are, also please link issues created in other repos, etc so we can follow up on them. No need to order it by topic, it can be step by step / timeline style.


Boarding the time Machine –→ Travel to 2033 –→ You see yourself in the OS Ecosystem with the OFTN.

  • be able to close the OTFN because there is no more work to do
    • and start the Open Anything Foundation OAFN
  • more female power in the ecosystem
  • textile open toolchain
  • non-nerdy people can use it, because it is so self-explanatory
  • open source fusion power plant
  • an open source festival
  • a beautiful venue in the countryside where people build open source hardware and have a good time
  • collaborate without proprietary software
  • the software is so easy to use that you don’t need a long time to be versatile in it
  • the big proprietary players in the field are contributing to OS projects
  • open CAD ecosystem
  • a future where I can develop hardware without needing to code something to be able to do it
    • → big industry players use OS tools for their products, so they contribute to them and help us in developing them
  • the open source idea spreading to even more industries, like food industry, etc
  • radically democratized development tools (all over the world)

How do we get there

  • start with the next generation our kids, educate them open
  • change the dynamic: big industry players use and depend on OS dev tools
  • OS projects that have similar goals bundle their resources (no redundant projects)
  • don’t focus too much on digital infrastructure/ software
  • overcome ego to be able to really emerge together
  • smaller tools which do one thing well rather then big tools which do many things
    • have good standards for that
  • spread the word of libre/free/open-source to general public
    • have the language to explain to everyone why this is beneficial for all human beings and the planet

How would you like to use and contribute to the OFTN in 2023 and 2024?

  • [put your idea in here]



Envisioned the future 2033 and the way there.

Next steps

Incorporate vision in planning and reporting

Open questions

Issue tickets etc.